Icarus Trophy 2015 Round Up

The Pioneer Icarus Trophy may be over but we are having trouble adjusting. Here's the round up of news since since the finish line dissolved to ease us all back into real life. 

Well he looks familiar. Oh - that's right. That's Icarus Trophy Veteran Cayle Royce. 

The Crew meeting Prince Harry last night and Harry called skipper Cayle Royce a "lunatic" for rowing the Atlantic a...

Posted by Row2Recovery on Thursday, November 12, 2015

He's upgraded from hanging with Mr Tom to hobnobbing with Prince Harry.  S'alright for some eh? 

Cayle's the skipper on Team Row2Recovery as they undertake the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge this year. Terrifyingly, The Icarus Trophy was just a warm up. Brilliant stuff, Cayle. 

Race Referee Shane Denherder has put a little something together for us. It's only a dirty edit of his Icarus. He pulls some good faces too.

All the best stories come to light at the finish line. Uncertain of his girlfriend's approval of a long distance paramotor race, Harry Waugh entered the race hiding in a toilet with a laptop and a credit card. Once accepted, he found he needed to break the news to his fiance. Taking the advice of his engineering colleagues he "solved the problem with logic."  

In this case, that meant an 8 slide homemade powerpoint written after a few glasses of wine. He presented this number around Christmas we're told, using a cricket bat for a pointer.

"I had one of those moments where I just thought what am doing? That was around 'Slide 5: Why am I doing this?' I powered through anyway to Slide 8: Any Questions."

Her reaction? "She sat very quietly for 20 minutes."  Well Harry, if it's any consolation, we give you all the points for effort. Perhaps not much consolation if the wedding gets cancelled. 

A shot from Harry's final flight. "What a trip" he says. 

A shot from Harry's final flight. "What a trip" he says. 

Joolz Ingram

Content overlord at Adventurist Towers